Leslie Wilson

Equity and justice have always been part of my life. My earliest memories coupled with stories of my childhood shared by elders confirm this. My parents not only recognized, affirmed, and nurtured my insatiable quest for a more just and loving world, but also taught me to navigate the societal inequities born of white supremacy they knew I would inevitably encounter as a black woman. Painful lessons learned through lived experiences have profoundly impacted how I approach my life’s work educating young children and supporting families to actualize their dreams. As long as injustices and inequities are allowed to exist, dreams will continue to be deferred. I work to advance racial equity and create socially just systems so our children are free to grow in a world absent of oppressive systems and families have unfettered opportunities to thrive beyond their wildest dreams.

Leslie Wilson is Senior Training Specialist for National Center for Families Learning.

Alli Wachtel

I’m Alli, a creative consultant who believes in creating great work for people and organizations who are dedicated to making positive change.


Jessica Rowland Williams