Jasmine Haywood


What compels me to do racial equity and social justice work are the struggles of those before me and the desire to leave this world a better place for my children and the children of others. I stand on the shoulders of giants who even in the face of cruelty and terror fought to emancipate themselves. As a grantmaker in education, I’m aware that higher education was never designed with minoritized people in mind, as a result, I’ve dedicated my career to dismantling oppressive structures to create a more inclusive future. I’m compelled everyday to lift as I climb – bringing others with me along the way in the fight for justice and liberation.

Jasmine Haywood is Senior Director for Student Success for the Lumina Foundation.

Alli Wachtel

I’m Alli, a creative consultant who believes in creating great work for people and organizations who are dedicated to making positive change.


Denise Harrison


Fumie Ichikawa