Alexis Walls

Alexis Walls believes that every individual, irrespective of their origin or history, deserves the resources, support, and collaborative partnerships found and rooted in community that are essential to thrive. As Managing Director of Executive Office at Reading Partners, a national nonprofit literacy organization, Alexis ensures the streamlined functionality of the Executive Office and fosters strategic alignment, organizational culture, and collaboration across regional and national teams. A proud AmeriCorps alumni, Alexis launched their career with two service terms at Reading Partners New York — Alexis’ career journey has been rooted in a desire to keep the spirit of service at the core of all that she does. 

Alexis resides in South Portland, Maine and loves spending time outdoors exploring the beautiful nature Maine has to offer with their foster daughter and pup, reading at local coffee shops, and testing new recipes at home in their downtime.


Dr. Michelle Walker-Davis


Eric Washington