Laura Meili

Laura is a program designer who loves creating adult learning that leads to student learning. As Chief Impact Officer at Leading Educators, she leads the data, research, and internal communications teams, focusing on efforts to learn from, share, and improve current and future impact.

Previously, Laura led the redesign of Leading Educators’ programming focused on the Common Core State Standards, teaching and leading for equity, and cycles of continuous improvement. Before joining Leading Educators, she worked in the Office of Professional Learning at the Chicago Public Schools. Laura started her career teaching reading and writing to middle schoolers.

Laura graduated from the University of Michigan with a B.A. in Psychology and from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a M.Ed. in Literacy, Language, and Culture. She lives in Chicago where she spends her free time playing volleyball and pickleball, doing yoga, and reading too many books at once.


Stacy Lewis


Jeff O’Field